Where's the Earth Shattering Kaboom!
Today marks the 17th anniversary of the start of Operation Desert Storm, which was broadcast into homes around the world courtesy of the fine folks over at CNN. How time flies eh?
But I think that's enough seriousness for today, how about something in bad taste? Sure if you really want it, how about Hitler singing I Want to Break Free by Queen? I knew you'd like that. And while we're talking about Nazis, how about an interesting write up about the five top brands that these goose stepping eugenicists gave us. I have to admit that I didn't know about 4 of 5 listed there.
I thought I was going to stear away from the serious?
Well let's lighten things up some with The Hoff's Top 20 Most Embarrassing Photos on the Web. There are some gooders there, I like this one myself and in this one he looks like he's trying to cruise for doods, maybe like in that Rusty video . . . Remember Rusty?
Since we were almost sorta talking rock back there, how about The Gigantour? This tour should be pretty sweet; featuring Megadeth, In Flames, Children of Bodom, Job for a Cowboy and High on Fire (I don't know the last two but I like the first three) and it has a May 10 stop at the Winnipeg Convention Centre. Oh you know I'll be getting my metal on.
And I'd like to sign off with a belated happy fifth birthday to Trogdor the Burninator! Oh and here's one from Strongbad. Many happy returns my friend. If you haven't seen the original Trogdor cartoon you're missing way out and I'd say you weren't an Internet Hipster if this were four years ago, but no matter here it is.
Waiting for the plane
What I was really trying to do was take a photo of the people behind her.
But she started the squirm and to make a small scene.
Now we sit and make up li...
10 years ago
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