Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Monday, December 03, 2007

Back in Black

Well after over a month I'm back on the blog; where have I been you ask? Well what's it to you? You a cop or something?

No matter I've been halfway around the world and back again brothers and sisters, I've been to the Hong Kong Airport (twice), Singapore, the Gopeng/Ipoh region in Malaysia, Betong Thailand, Kuala Lumpur, Wapekeka and last week Toronto & Thunder Bay. So I've been busy . . . and lazy . . . and not that motivated. It happens.

But yeah I'm back now and hopefully will be more regular on here . . . but we'll see no promises eh. But at least I'm here today and today we're going to explore some stuff on Google Maps. We'll start with a map showing the hotel we stayed at in Singapore, the Perak Hotel. Here's a map of our home base in Malaysia the town of Gopeng.

Here's a map showing our Thai stop over Betong.

This is a map showing where we stayed (the Mariott) in Kuala Lumpur which was a short cab ride away from the Petronas Towers (5 Ringatt to get there, 15 to get back). If you haven't seen the towers here they are on a map.

Enough vacation, how about some work stuff? In alphabetical order here are the communities I go to for work, starting with a map of Kasabonika Lake and here's the community website. From Kas it's off to Kingfisher Lake and here's their community map. After Kingfisher it's off to Wapekeka (aka Angling Lake) to check out their community from space. These three communities all have pretty good resolution in their maps and you can zoom in quite close although I can say for certain that the map of Kas is over a year out of date.

Now we're off to Wawakapewin (aka Longdog) their map doesn't have the detail of the last three but the community is pretty small with a road, a few other pubic buildings, a water pump house and a diesel generator. And trust me it's not the best place to get weathered in over the weekend.

Our last stop will be Wunnumin Lake, where again their map is lacking in a lot of detail. I can only assume that there isn't much mineral exploration going in the area.

Ain't Google Maps grand?

Until next time.

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