Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Say No to Sioux Lookout's "No-Name Subdivision"

I'm not the most politically active son-of-a-gun around but a petition has been started on ipetitions here asking the Municipality not to go ahead with the proposed "No Name Subdivision", so if you think this is a bad idea as well you might want to sign it as well.
If not sorry to have to bothered you, oh wait, I'm not bothering you, you stopped by here, technically you're bothering me. If you could pass this along to others who might be interested and/or affected that'd be great. Me I don't think this is great a idea, at least not at the moment. As everyone (I think) is aware we're in the midst of an economic downturn, the mad demand for housing and building lots here in town appears to be slowed down (take a look at all the houses and lots available here, here, here, here and here) and giving land to private developer when it wasn't done in the past doesn't seem right either. But at the same time you can't fault them for asking, I mean after you can ask for the moon (or a solid gold hummer in a solid gold Hummer), but you're not necesarily going to get it.
This is going up before council on May 20, so time really is of the essence.
Fight the power.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Scrap the Long Gun Registry

Not sure if this is up your road or not, but here is a link to an online petition (with a print-out-able version as well in case you still know people who aren't e-savvy like us) to abolish Canada's wasteful long gun registry program from the fine people at the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.

I know I'm all for it (even if it might make as big a difference as pissing in the ocean) and as of my signing there were 30,666 signatures as of this morning, 378 more since I signed yesterday morning. Even if you don't own guns you might want to consider supporting this just to try to help stop the government from pissing away your hard earned tax dollars (assuming you pay taxes that is) on a completely ineffective program who's sole purpose seems to be creating a false sense of security for people who don't understand the situation.

Anyway - please share the link with anyone you think would be interested.

PS - I don't have a bunker and am not stockpiling canned goods . . . but I might start, you never know when World War Z might break out and I want to be prepared.

Another Quality Thunder Bay Sign

Me, I'm just wondering how long that was up before it was taken down . . . and how long the person who made the keen editing changes had been waiting to use this one.
And it totally blows Bastard Muff out of the water, don't you think?

Always Twirl Twice in Front of the Mirror

I don't know about you but it made me smile.