Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Monday, August 28, 2006

It's been a while, but I've been busy. Doing what you ask?

Well this and renovating my upstairs bathroom (pics to come soon). The trim's not back up, but the door is and what's more important?

Uh-Oh Hotdog!

If you don't know the reference click here and watch more Mad TV . . . anyway according to the good people at the Discovery Channel eating hotdogs can lead to cancer. And here I was getting worried that they only had shows about building bikes and cars or sharks.

Back on the movie front according to this article the studio has released a name change for the new Fantastic Four movie (it's now Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer). That only means one thing Galactus is coming in the third film, and I think that's cool, although not as cool as the X-Men battling Apocalypse, but maybe in the next film, eh? I'm not a bgi FF fan, but I thought the first movie was pretty well done (it did have a couple flaws, but throw in TDM (aka Terry David Mulligan) and all is forgiven) so I'm looking forward to this one.

Keeping in line with the comic hero theme, what's the world coming too when Batman & Superman are pulled over for drunk driving? Whoda thunk it? I mean couldn't Batman have rang Alfred fora ride home?

Now onto some important Canadianna - according to CANOE! the CBC has scheduled a new Bob & Doug McKenzie special to run in May of 2007. Let's hope it's as good as the SCTV sketches and Strange Brew were.

I think that's it for now, gotta get going.

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