Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Looking for a moderately amusing way to burn a couple minutes?

Sure of course you are, or you wouldn't be here now would you. Not that I'm judging or anything, I mean if you didn't visit I'd just be another on-line equivalent of the crazy old guy muttering to himself in the produce aisle about how everything sucks now.
Anyway if you want to have yourself a small chuckle, or perhaps sobering realization, go to Google and in the search box type your name followed by needs and hit search. In case that was confusing let's say your name is Marco (Polo), so you'd go to Google and in the search box you'd enter "Marco Needs" and have yourself a little laugh at the outcome . . . either that or curled up in a ball in the corner rocking back and forth like an austic kid sobbing away because of how right the search was and how fucked up you really are.
No matter, when I tried playing according to Google I need:
  • more sleep and less hangover
  • to retire
  • to get lucky
  • more than luck (think this and the last are somehow related?)
  • a band
  • a new hair style
  • work and
  • readers

Told it was good for a guffaw, and surely some of you think that list is right on a few spots - but hey you're entitled to your opinion just like the Googles are. So what did Google tell you that you need?

Well that's her for now, until next time.


Willow said...

Generally, all those needs come to us in life in pretty much that order, don't they? Hair style change (or hair loss) comes in after the girlfriend and the spanx!

Chuck said...

Yes perhaps maybe you're right, I'll let you know . . . but more importantly what did Google say the Willow needed?