Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Monday, April 21, 2008

Survey Says . . .

If you're a Sioux Lookouter I urge you to fill out the Sioux Lookout Downtown Revitalization - Resident Survey. Thank the Willow for providing me the link, because I wasn't smart enough to find it on my own. I've been flogging this thing all over the place, but if the town wants real feedback I want them to get it. I mean we all have beefs with how things are done at least this one way to make your voice heard, right? But then I guess it's up to the town itself whether or not it gets to count.

That's enough of real world things and stuffs, how about something chock full of awesome? I'm sure that the Homestar Runner fans already are well aware of this, but how about some live Limozeen! Thanks to the YouTubes. And holy crap! Strongbad is getting his own Wii game, Strongbad's Cool Game for Attractive People. So if you're attractive you're going to want to rush out and get this one.

And now some something with even less realism to it than Strongbad emails, check out this article about Jenna Jameson and whether or not she can make a go of it in mainstream media/entertainment with some good examples of others from the porn industry who've tried with varying degrees of success . . . okay pretty much only one degree of success and that isn't very successful (the only person with success after/outside of porn I can think of is America's Sweetheart Miss Traci Lords, check out her autobiography it's totally worth the read). But good luck lady.

And of course Jenna has a new movie coming out or maybe it's already out starring along side Robert Englund called Zombie Strippers, you can check out the trailer here if you want to . . . and I know you want to. I mean with sweet dialog like,

"They're zombies!"

"They're strippers!"

"They're Zombie Strippers."

And a title like that this one is bound to be a big hit.

With more news on the movie front, looks that Sacha Baron Cohen is dusting off another character from Da Ali G Show, Gay Austrian TV host Bruno, to make another film. Here's a little news coverage of them going to town in Wichita Kansas airport and some nice video of the event.

It seems that Bruno was also able to nail Ben Affleck for an interview for the film. I have to wonder how can he still get away with this, especially after the success he had with the Borat film? No matter it's good to know that I can always count on Mr. Cohen for a little entertainment at the expense of others.

And one last thing before I go - seems like the people over at Disney are trying to make the Hannah Montana thing international, check some of these test screenings, I'm especially fond of Hannitoba Manitoba. Although there didn't seem to be any mention of car thefts or drinking Slurpees in the dead of winter . . . no matter it still made me laugh and excited exclaim "Manitoba!! I been there! I get jokes!"

Or maybe not. All right that's it for now, later.

PS Happy 82nd Birthday Liz.

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