Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Friday, April 18, 2008

You're not my father!

So it's been a while again eh? Well I at least have a couple of good excuses for my absence lately:
  1. I gotta put miles on my bike
  2. Was out of town for work
  3. Am lazy.

So far the bike is good, thanks for asking. Where was I, man you're nosey, but I was in the River City (the city in Canada where you're 334% more likely to have your car stolen than the national average and where it's as likely you'll have your car stolen there as in Detroit, Michigan) to keep up my WETT certification. I also bought a new bike helmet and sampled some Argentinean food (try the Milanesa, Empanadas and Humita). A busy few days.

Anyway that's not why you're here is it . . . so how about some news for Star Wars loving friends, like the leaked trailer for the new Clone Wars animated series. I have to admit it looks pretty cool, let's see how it actually stacks though. It might just be another polished turd lifted off the lawn of Skywalker Ranch like Episodes 1 - 3.

If that's not your thing, how about these Steampunk Star Wars figures. Pretty cool eh? Or at least I think they are; if you think so too you may want to check out a few books by China >Mieville like The Scar or The Iron Council.

Or maybe you're more into customizing action figures to make super action figures? Then this is for you, check out these Star Wars circa WW2 action figure customs. Pretty sweet eh? I don't think I have close to that level of talent or creativity for something like that. But I can tell you some requirements for putting a woodstove in your house.

Perhaps that's not your thing either, and you're a Star Wars geek from way back and are busy raising your very precious little snowflake to follow in your footsteps that you dress up as an ewok or Yoda for conventions and are looking for a way to encourage them in school and the threat of Hayden Christensen coming into their class and killing them all just isn't working, but maybe this will. Seems that a rogue band of teachers has made their own Star Wars film where Math Solo and Princess >Reada encourage kids to do well on upcoming state test.

All I can say is fuckin' geeks.

Well I best be going, so I'll leave you with some classic Manowar. Sadly the video isn't half as awesome, but pretty much just as homo-erotic, as their album covers.

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