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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Santa loves all kids.

BTW that's a real Christmas card available from Tesco that is stirring up a bit of controversy, see? Man some people can't take a joke. Personally I think they should keep selling the card, offer a deep discounts to redheads and then next year change things up and sell cards that read:
"Santa loves all kids. Even ones without senses of humour."
But that's just me and it's a well known fact that I'm more than a bit of a dick.
And while we're talking giftmas, this is a pretty good article written to curse the types of people who do things like purchase a goat for an African village from a company who in turn sends you a card saying So-and-so bought Such-and-such to make the life better for a family living in poverty in rural Africa. The real beauty part is I know people who give gifts like that and I also know people who feel similarly to the article's author about receiving gifts like that.
Things are always better when you can relate.

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