Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Back to work today . . .

It's no secret that I travel and after seeing this I think that Russia has moved up a few pegs on my list of places to visit . . . and I might be ready for another trip by the end of the day.
Speaking of visiting, if you're ever in Las Vegas do go check out the Las Vegas Gun Range and Firearm Center; I spent the $50 to blast two clips through a Tommy gun and brothers and sisters let me tell you it was so not worth money and worth every penny at the same time. Let's put it this way, when I was done I very nearly pulled out my wallet and peeled out another $50 to do it all over again . . . and if I go back to Vegas again I'd go back there in a heart beat.
Since we're talking guns, maybe you've already seen this, but how's about this video of a bunch of different guys firing off a .577 rifle. Trust me it's worth the watch.
Did you ever wonder what would happen if you could combine someone with OCD and a crazy cat lady into one? Well wonder no longer, because I have for you here the answer.
And here's a burning question that needs answering. Please Jebus tell me that wasn't real.
Oh and before I go, check this out and let me know if it looks like a zombie to you, because it sure does to me.
PS - I need.

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