Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Lousy Smarch Weather

Actually that's not entirely true, the weather has been aces here lately.
But, hey another month another post, we'll see if we can be any more regular about stopping by here, but no promises. Remember you get what you pay for.
It's no secret that there are demons that live in my head and cause me no end of grief and pain, but whenever I hear someone say "Oh I had a migraine once." I want to poke them in the eye with hot poker. Migraine isn't a one off and it's not Latin for "bad headache"; but maybe this article comparing the myth and reality of migraines will help. If it doesn't I did find it an interesting read.
It's a sad sad day and the end of an era, the Alamo Village from the John Wayne Alamo movie is shut down and for sale. I never visited there, and never tried to either, but you have to admit it would be a cool stop on a road trip?
I wonder if Peewee's bike is in the basement?
Maybe Mr. E.T. could save the place, he pities the foo' that won't let him phone home.
No matter, but perhaps this video will make you happy to learn that it doesn't just happen to fat guys.
PS - Still need.

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