Well Easter is quickly approaching (and we all know what that means - The Ten Commandments will be on TV this weekend), so I'll spare you the bit about the Catholic Church co opting a Pagan festival/celebration to Eostre to make it easier for non-believers and other general heathens to sign on for their celebration of resurrection of everybody's favourite Jewish, hippy carpenter.
I'll also resist the urge to make any wisecracks about Zombie Jesus.
When I was a kid finding chocolates and eggs left behind by the Easter Bunny (now I prefer Fluff E the Hip Hop Bunny) was cool, but man it was a lot of work . . . and I honestly never clued in to anything when my folks would say there's more stuff to find when I thought I was done. Yeah I can be a little thick at times . . . still.
Also in the last year I've had to explain, or at least talk about, Ukrainian Easter Eggs to two different people. As odd as it might seem and despite the fact that I'd always known about them and had them around me growing up, apparently not everyone is familiar with these tiny works of art.
Who knew that not everyone had Ukrainian roots? Even if you don't do yourself a favour and enjoy some perogies, cabbage rolls and kubasa if you haven't already. Take my word on that.
But enough of that for now, I gotta go get ready. Seven things to do today, seven things to do, can't stray from the list, seven things to do today.
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