Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Friday, March 12, 2010

It's Battlestar Galactic-touge

If you're cool, and I know you are because you're here, you're into The Beastie Boys and Battlestar Galactica, and brothers and sisters let me tell you, you're in luck because right here is the finest (okay only but it's still pretty bad ass) mash up of the B-Boys Sabotage with footage from BSG, complete with the original video and a sweet side by side comparison of the original and the mash up.
As the French say "C'est tres sweet.".
Now it's no secret that I like me some tea, and I'm thinking that with commercials and a mascot like this PG Tips has to be one fine cuppa, don't you agree?
And well this is just a completely different sort of monkey, but I really think he should be sporting a smoking jacket and fez, but that's me.
And while we're rocking some sweet monkey action, how's about what might be the finest episode of Monkey News from The Ricky Gervais Show ever.
All monkeyed out? Yeah me either, but let's move onto something else for a minute or two shall we?
So cool. So much awesome. So much win. It's epic.
And lastly in honour of the 30th anniversary of John Wayne Gacy's conviction for the murder of 33 men and boys here's an evil clown generator. Use at your own risk.
Until next blog.

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