Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I know it's a couple days late . . .

But did you know how big a day October 9 is/was? Not only was it Canadian Thanksgiving (Which by the way did you know was started as a holiday for wealthy Protestants and was meant to exclude Catholics, minorities and others deemed unworthy by the WASP's (so probably Stryper & Ratt as well)? Well neither did I until I read this article with some truths about the holiday) but on that day in 1951 RKO Pictures asked Marilyn Monroe to wear panties while working and in 1967 after being debriefed by CIA field agent Felix Rodriguez, Che Guevara is executed in a schoolhouse in La Higuera, Bolivia. Guevara had been captured by the Bolivian 2nd Ranger Battalion, which was specifically trained by U.S. Army Special Forces to catch him.

Speaking of not wearing underpants, according to this article from the Sun not wearing them can kill you. Now that's something that I never would have thought.

Onto something completely different after reading this article I think I'm going to have to do some serious practicing and go on holiday in Ireland. Okay maybe not completely unrelated, combine this link with the last one and you've got a damned good start on one helluva a Saturday night.

And one last link, think you know the difference between a vagina and piece of raw meat? Well take this test and find out. Beforewarned, obviously there are pictures of meat and genitalia in that quiz, so excersize from discretion when taking said test.

In case you're wondering I scored 14/15 and got this great little card to post, but I'm just going to post the link.

That's more than enough for now.

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