Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Monday, October 09, 2006

So it's been a while again . . .

Where have I been? Out and about and a week in Niagara Falls (I'll get pics up sometime soon-ish). I have to say that if you are ever in Niagara Falls you've got to check out a restarant called the Copacabana. It was awesome - it's Brazillian food, all sorts of fire roasted meats on skewers (that look like swords) that the servers bring to your table and if you want to try some, they cut you off a chunk. I think there was a place where you could get vegetables and sides too but that's not meat. For dessert they brought around pineapples that were roasted with cinnamon. Soooo-oh good.

And now on with trivial news and links that we all enjoy.

First off here are collections of the 50 best Marvel & DC comic book covers of 2006. The Catwoman #51 cover is my current Windows wall paper . . . . geek fan boy much? For those who think that things were better back in the day, here are some classic comic covers from the WWII era. Although when I looked last some of the links were broke and pictures missing.

Since this post is taking on a bit of comic book flavour here's an article announcing Marvel's plans for their own MMORPG (Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game).

I think it's fair to say that when I could afford to buy comics (I can remember when i couldn't ask my mum for $1 to buy a comic book anymore because it wasn't enough, sad times) I was more a Marvel than DC fan, although Batman has always been my favourite (probably started from watching Adam West era Batman re-runs on TV when I was a kid), well here's an article confirming that the title of the Batman Begins sequel will be The Dark Knight and that Heath Ledger (aka Mel Gibson 2K) will be playing the Joker and Christian Bale (a great actor, if you haven't checked out Equilibrium or The Machinist do yourself a favour and go rent them) will be reprising his role as Bruce Wayne/the Batman. Batman Begins was great so I can't wait for the sequel, but I have to admit it did have the least cool Batmobile ever, but nothing can be perfect can it?

If you've ever discussed comic books with me, or listened to me rant about them you've no doubt heard me say that Batman is way cooler than Superman. Well check this video clip out for more evidence of that. Just try to find me a clip of some groovy late 60's birds dancing to the theme song from Superman. Can't do it can you? Hah, in your face.

And now for a final couple comic related bits - here's a not bad/not great list of the 9 reasons why it's great to be a Super Villain and since you're hyped about being a supervillian now here are some great inspirational posters to hang up around your secret hollow volcano or undersea liar.

Is there any one of them truer than this one?

Okay I swear this is the last comic related link in this post - for some reason this pic appealed to my comic book geek fan boy pervo side. If you're anything like me you'll like it too.

It also seems that I'm a fan of lists, I like to go through lists of top whatevers and see how my opinion compares to that of the author. In fact I can remember discussing with at least one person how awesome a Top 10 List of Top 10 Lists would be. Well this isn't that, but here's a list of the 50 Greatest 1 Hit Wonders. Admit it, everyone loves a One Hit Wonder, although as a music snob I can appreciate the fact that you can't admit that you like it at the time, but have to wait at least 5 years to do so, a decade even if the song was espescially radio friendly. A little Chumbawamba anyone? Or how about a bit of Detachable Penis by King Missile - although I don't know if that one was ever popular enough to be a one hit wonder, but still amusing.

And something that actually has some merit to it to end this post. According to this article biofuel may not be the best solution for our energy crisis. In fact here's a direct quote lifted from the article:

"The grain required to fill the petrol tank of a Range Rover with ethanol is sufficient to feed one person per year. Assuming the petrol tank is refilled every two weeks, the amount of grain required would feed a hungry African village for a year"

Which begs the question - how many african villages would a barrel of crude oil feed?

And with that I disapear.

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