Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Do do doo do do dooo

Here's something that will no doubt be exciting for many; the first picture of Harrison Ford on set in Indy gear filming the fourth Indiana Jones movie. Me I'm not excited for this movie at all, I didn't see the other three Indy films until they came out on DVD a few years ago and I didn't think they were that great. In fact I thought that the first one was a bad star wars rip off and Spielberg didn't even have the common courtesy to change the actor or some of the shots and music. It's true watch it again. You'll see what I mean.

And since we're talking Indy, here's an article from the Catholic World News that states an Italian archaeologist believes that the Holy Grail (whatever it might be, cup, blood line, chalice, Monty Python movie) is hidden in the catacombs under the 6th-century Roman basilica of St. Lawrence Outside the Walls.

Now I know that a while ago I posted a link to an article that stated that migraine sufferers experience less decrease in mental capacity with age compared to non-sufferers; well don't start that party or go out and join the pro memory card game tour just yet . . . yet another article and yet another study has stated that migraines are linked to brain damage and increased risk of stroke. You can read the article here for yourself if you like. Although I'm not pleased to hear that it does make a lot of sense. After all something that painful and debilitating has to be doing something bad up there.

Or maybe it is just tiny gnomes mining inside my brain for precious metals and stones? Seems logical, don't it?

Finally on a sadder note - I know I'm not the only wrestling fan out there but anyone watching RAW last night (in fact the whole thing was a three hour tribute to Benoit) knows that Chris Benoit and his wife & son were found dead yesterday afternoon in their Atlanta home. I had to see if there was any more news on the situation and according to this article authorities believe that it was a double murder/suicide with Benoit killing his wife & kid and then himself.

I guess my Phil Hartman crack last night wasn't too far off the mark, eh?

And that's it for today

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