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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

From the whodda thunk it files . . .

Today in 1920 the United States Postal Services ruled that children can not be sent via Parcel Post. To me this says that at the time there were enough people mailing their kids places that someone had to make an official ruling saying that you couldn't do it. I guess it's reassuring to know that people have always been lacking in common sense and that it's not just a something that's happened in the past couple decades.

Here's a good one from the UK the home of the increased airport security measures; I think that we all who travel have pretty much accepted that you cannot bring a drink through security anymore and most of us have understood for a long time that can't take a knife on board either (unless of course you're flying out of my local airport) but here's an article about a guy who's daughter had her pop taken away at an airport security check point, but he was allowed to bring a knife onto the plane that he put in the bin that went through the x-ray machine.

Don't you feel safer now? No need to worry about burping kids guzzling fizzy drinks on your next flight, but the knife wielding lunatic is a whole other matter. Here's to you airport security people, I tip my hat to you and your brethren. Honestly I took a knife through several airport security points, in several different airports, in a few different countries as well, but it was a tiny blade in money clip . . . but maybe I got away with it because it had the Masonic Logo on it?

Speaking of belching away on fizzy drinks, here's a clip from YouTube (where else) of the lovely (??) Cameron Diaz showing Jay Leno her mad burping skills on an episode of The Tonight Show. I don't know about you but I'm impressed, she's one classy broad . . . and no matter what you think of the belch you have to admit the woman has a great smile.

Oh and one for the BBC/Sci-Fi geeks; the new season of Dr. Who starts up Monday June 18 on the CBC, you know I'll be watching. And this season the Doctor gets a new travelling companion in Freema Agyeman. I'd say that she's got mighty big shoes to fill taking Billie Piper's spot on the series, but I said that about David Tennant taking over for Chris Eccleston and I think Tennant is doing a bang up job, so I guess that sci-fi geeks have to be a little open to change, especially in aseries about a time and space travelling being who regenerates in different forms, eh?

And a little bad news for the sci-fi geeks out there according to this article here the upcoming fourth season of Battlestar Galactica will be the last, don't weep fellow geeks, the American Sci-Fi Network is planning a two hour episode called 'Razor' to introduce the fourth season . . . and quite honestly this was a series with a definite goal or end to it, it only makes sense that it can't last forever and I'd rather have it end when it's still good rather than lying dying bloating in the sun like other series occasionally do.

And one last bit; as I mentioned yesterday I was going up to Wunnumin Lake for work and to kick it with Governor General of Canada. We might not have kicked it, but I did speak with her briefly. Here's the story from the Chronicle Journal about her trip to Wunnumin Lake. They had a a bit of ceremony and speeches as part of the presentation along with a few kids acting out the Legend of Wunnumin, or at least part of it. In addition to the CJ coverage there was also a Thunder Bay Television videographer there, and there's a brief video at their website but the only one found was just of the news reader reading some news no footage from the Community. I'll post the link later.

Until we blog again.

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