Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday monday

Bah-dah dah dah dah

This is going to be a short one, but I felt that there's some important Batman: the Dark Knight info to share. First being a look at Batman's new suit for the movie scanned from the pages of Entertainment Weekly. I'm sure it will be less noticeable or play better on the screen but I think the suit is looking a little too 'tech' if you know what I mean. That is always the downfall of so many Batman action figures, can never just leave him as the Batman, always have to make him Super Knife Fight Night Flight Batman with firing water canon or some other bullshit like that.

And now here's a look at the Joker's car for the new film. I think that it's awesome I can really picture the joker behind the wheel of it, and helps to capture the 40's feel that seem to keep running through the Batman stories, be it books or cartoons or films or whatever. That and I think that the car alone is pretty cool, very rat rod. Shit I'd drive it that's for sure.

Now it's no secret I still like to buy toys so here are some Biblical Action figures that I'm not sure I'd buy, but you never know. If they added Buddy Christ to the line up I'd surely pick at least that one up.

Now It's also well know that I'm not much for giftmas or its trappings, but looks like the people over at McFarlane Toys are punching out some giftmas figures that even appeal to the likes of me . . . might have to pick some of these up, or maybe just Mrs. Claus.

Well that's her for now, until next blog.

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