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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Time Travel = Bullshit

Hey anyone watch the two hour season premiere of Heroes last night on NBC?
I know I sure did, and I walked away from it with this one overwhelming feeling - Time Travel is Bullshit. I don't care how you pile it, it's still bullshit. Even when Michael J Fox did it it was bullshit and you know it.
You disagree? Well you're wrong. Take last night for example - really it's no big deal that the speedy chick (anyone else think that they should have got Lola from Run Lola Run to play her?) stole Hiro's paper.
Why you ask?
Because he can go back in time, over and over again to just before or hours or days before to try to stop her or to stop her or to stop himself from doing something so it doesn't happen. Shit he could go back in time years and run her down with a POS Mazda while she's walking on a sidewalk to get to a baseball game to keep her from ever even coming close to getting the chance to snatch his secret formula of eleven secret herbs and spices.
Or take Future Peter Petrelli fucking everything up by coming back and messing with the time line. Well no problem, just time travel his ass to the appropriate moment and convince himself not to do it - or at least not to do parts of it. Whatever best suits his needs, desires, agenda. Sure he thinks shooting his brother is good, but getting Claire Sylerized is bad, so play it like that, go back, stop one don't stop the other. Seems so straight forward to me.
So simple, I think you'll have to agree that time travel is a shitty plot device because you have to leave so many holes and bits of broken logic into the story line to make it work and quite often I can't suspend that much disbelief. I mean think about - with time travel there's never suspense or fear of failure because if something doesn't work out, just go back and try again. It's like a real life reset button. After all it was the over reliance on time travel, as well as the complete disregard for the established history of that particular universe, that got me to stop watching Star Trek Enterprise.
But what do I know about such things. That's enough for now eh? Here's to hoping that I won't walk away from every episode of Heroes this season being pissed off about time travel . . . and hopefully I'll remember what happened this season - I mean I really can't remember much of what happened last season and it was what two months long? Not a good sign. Not a good sign at all.
Until next time.

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