I see a happy birthday in your future
Okay maybe not you, but did you know that on this day in 1503 Michel de Nostredame aka Nostradamus was born into this world? Nostradamus was a doctor, a mystic and liked to inhale vapours and see the future. I've read some of his quatrains and they are vague riddles so they could be this or could be that . . . but I'm sure if I wrote a bunch of vague shit down in 300 years you could look back at history and find a few events to fit my ramblings.
Maybe that's what this will be come?
And now somethign the geekiest of the geeks, did you know that there's a Dragon Lance movie in the works? Neither did I until I saw the website, and even then I only looked at the main page, because well no one cool plays Dragon Lance, Forgotten Realms all the way! Although it's been a long long time since I did any die-chucking.
Since we're rocking it D&D style, how about this sweet TV commercial for the game that aired way back in 1983 . . . or how about the cartoon that ran for a few years back in the mid 80's? Man those were some good times for Saturday morning cartoons.
Not that I'd trade it for the access to cartoons that I have now - or the Friday night F-Night line up on teletoon or Sugar from YTV's the Zone.
And here's some good news for the fans of cartoons not quite directed at kids, seems that in 2008 Comedy Central will be airing new episodes of Futurama, which I think is great, I just hope that one of the Canadian networks picks it up as well. Personally I think that this is great news, as when FOX pulled Futurama I thought that they made a big mistake and should have shit canned the Simpsons instead because Futurama was every bit as smart funny and envelope-pushy as the Simpsons ever was, or more so at a time when the Simpsons was pretty flat. In fact I haven't been a regular Simpsons viewer in several years, but I must be the only one because it's still on the air. Or maybe all the people who watch Survivor are watching the Simpsons every week too?
And now for something completely different, here are the complete unexpurgated scripts of the original Monty Python's Flying Circus TV series, except for the animated bits. With Python it's either love or hate and I do love, nudge nudge wink wink say no more say no more, but not quite to level of some of the fans. But don't worry I'm working on it.
And now for something completely different again, it's not secret that I like to see a trunk with some junk in it, and J'Lo seems to be a good example of that, although not unique as the Peurto Rican "ghetto bootie" isn't rare in some parts of the world. But no matter here's a pic of Ms. Lopez wearing some low rise pants and no underpants at all.
So whatcha gonna do with all that junk? All that junk inside yo' trunk? Not looking to bad eh? Well that begs the question, what does she look like in the morning. Well wonder no longer, here's some pics.
And one last thing - Ghostrider movie trailer, looks awesome. Must see. Now to put you properly in the mood I suggest you commence to rocking out to Henry Rollins' song "Ghostrider" which was featured on the soundtrack for the movie the Crow, which I believe the best movie soundtrack ever.
Well that's it, that's all I'm outta here.
Waiting for the plane
What I was really trying to do was take a photo of the people behind her.
But she started the squirm and to make a small scene.
Now we sit and make up li...
10 years ago
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