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Monday, December 04, 2006

Back in Black

Once again there's been a significant gap in my posts, but I've been busy with work, travelling for work, helping friends with their new to them house and rocking out. I also got stuck up north my last trip (the one mentioned in my last post) but at least it was for one night only this time (does everyone want to spend one night in Kasabonika?) and I had brought enough extra gitch this time.

Since tis the season for the Christmas specials on the telly, here's a quiz to test your knowledge of How the Grinch Stole Christmas and one for the Charlie Brown Christmas special. I cranked out a perfect score on the Grinch one but really sucked hind tit on the Charlie Brown quiz managing to pull down a record four correct answers out of ten.

And now time for some whacky trivia; did you know that on this day in 1930 the Vatican accepted the rhythm method as an approved method of birth control. According to that article they've since resinded this stance for more effective methods, which I didn't think was the case as I thought that good Catholics were only supposed to have sex for procreation. But I did recently read that the Catholic Church in Spain said it was okay to use condoms to help prevent the spread of HIV or AIDS. Which is a far cry from the church's stance from four years ago telling people not to use condoms for this purpose because they were full of tiny holes that permited the HIV virus to pass through despite scientific evidence to the contrary.

But the Catholic Church has had issues with science for a long long time, just ask Gallileo.

Another bit of stange trivia, did you know that a study finds six in ten doctors admit using Google to diagnose strange illnesses. "Still no cure for cancer" garnered 1,230,000 hits. Good to know I'm not the only one who uses the interweb for work related info. No more Doctors for me, just Google and prescription medication commericals on TV. Self diagnosis has reached a whole new level.

In case you're into this kinda thing it appears that Britney Spears has been going about in short skirts with no underpants on, and of course thanks to the internet the photographic evidence is everywhere, or at least here and here. Who knew that hanging out (hanging out, get it?). Oh man I'm hilarious) with Paris Hilton would ever be a bad idea? Maybe this means that the rumours of the Britney Spears sex tape are real and one day soon we'll be able to download a green skinned black eyed Britney answering her cell phone mid-shag. Those are references to Paris' sex tape, One Night in Paris, which if you haven't seen is no doubt still all over the internet. After all who doesn't want to spend one night in Paris?

Onto other embarassing things caught on video, here's Micheal Richards' (aka Kramer aka Stanley Spadowski) racist tirade directed at a couple of comedy club hecklers. This is old news now, and I haven't heard anything about it in a couple days so I guess it's been relagated to the who gives a fuck department. I'm sure not many have or would say this but I think if it at least would have been funny it wouldn't have been as big a scandal, or he'd been say Chris Rock (who can call call Honkeys Crackahs all day long).

One final piece of entertainment for you this morning, a video for Electronik Supersonic. If you're interested in more work from the artist Zlad check this out or his wiki entry and after all why wouldn't you? He is more stronger than your Darth Vapour.

Well that's it for now, now you kids get off my lawn.

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