Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Friday, September 14, 2007

Insert Catchy Title Here

This is probably going to be a short one, but this is something that should be shared. Anyway apparently Toronto schools are all about having their students killed and according to this article from the Globe & Mail in response to a fatal stabbing of a Toronto High School student this past Tuesday Ontario Liberal Premiere Dalton McGuinty wants a nation wide ban on handguns.

Okay you read that right, did I read the article right, someone gets stabbed so you ban pistols? All I can say about that is WTF? Now even if this were in response a shooting of high school student I'd still think that was a knee jerk, grandstanding action from a Provincial member of the Federal Party that brought Canada the smashing failure that is/was gun registry out to grab some headlines and appeal to the anti-gun groups.

I don't get the logic behind it, but maybe I'm too simple too, after all you'd think there'd have to be some reasoning behind the thinking that someone who is going to kill or shoot someone won't do it for fear of breaking a Federal firearms law.

But no matter I won't be voting Liberal in the upcoming October 10 Provincial Election.

But hey that's enough of the serious for now, here's something that has an effect on me, but not so much the same one as Mr. McGuinty's stance of firearms. Turns out that according to this article I can no longer perform weddings in the state of Pennsylvania. Seems that some (probably religious) group of State law makers feels that churches that ordain over the Internet (like my church the Universal Life Church) make a mockery of the institution of marriage. Little do they understand that I got ordained to make a mockery of organised religion as a whole.

I'll take this opportunity to make you aware of an aspiring local rapper Nicky 9 Lines, you can check out his videos on YouTube here or his MySpace here. Rap isn't my thing, so maybe I'm a harsher critic of this than need, but maybe you'll like it.

And finally I will leave you with this YouTube video of Alex Trebek (hey I didn't know he was Ukrainian) losing his patience during an actual episode of Celebrity Jeopardy. Which leaves us asking, does stupid mean anything to you?

Later Days

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