Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Bah Weep Graaagnah Wheep Ni Ni Bong

At the San Diego (which Ron Burgundy taught me is German for whale vagina) Comic-Con the studio announced that the voice of Optimus Prime in the new Transformers movie will be none other than the voice of Optimus Prime from the TV series, or at least according to this article it is. It's not like I was actually at the Comic-Con my own self.

But it looks like not everything is going to stay the same. According to this blog post it appears that Ironhide is going to be 1 ton Chevy Silverado in the film and not a red Nissan Mini-Van as he used to be, which personally I'm okay with. Monster trucks are way cooler than mini-vans any day.

Apparently they are planning to update other Transformers to more current automobiles as well. According to this Bumblebee (formerly a VW Beetle) will be a 5th Generation Concept Camaro and Brawl (formerly a tank) will be a Mustang. Looks like the two will be pitted against each other in the film and the Camaro vs Mustang battle has reached a whole new level and I for one know that once again the mighty Bowtie will crush the flimsy Blue Oval.

It seems that the San Diego Comic Con was the place to be for people like me, and not only because of these sweet costumes that some of attendees were wearing (if you liked that gallery check out the rest of RetroCrush's pics here - FYI Elvira is looking as good as ever, Gord bless makeup, hair dye and plastic surgery), they also ran a sneek peek clip deal from Spiderman 3 and Raimi confirmed that Bruce Campbell (Hail to the King, baby) will appear in the film. The buzz on the geek wire is that he'll be playing Mysterio.

That is great news as far as I am concerned (I recently had a discussion how Mysterio would make for a cool Spiderman movie villain), but shit how many villains are they going to pile into this one? Here's a promo-shot of Venom (to be played by Topher Grace aka Red's son Dumbass from that 70's Show) from the film.

To keep the movie geek flava flowing here's the poster they've released for the upcoming Trek flick and all I have to say is wow they really went all out with this one. Let's hope they were too busy cranking up the rock and turning down teh suck for the new movie to put an time at all in to designing a promo poster.

Well I think that's all for now.

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