Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Just a quick one this morning . . .

As I'm flying to Kasabonika Lake for work on Wasaya Airlines this morning. I don't know why but the formatting went all wonky half way through my post yesterday, ah well let's hope it's not how things are going to be regular wise eh?

I'm sure some of you are not happy in your chosen professions, I mean what job is perfect? But in case you are thinking about snagging work under the golden arches here's some interview advice straight from Ronald McDonald himself to help you land that sweet McJob.

I told it was going to be short so I'll sign off with Bill Biggart's Final Exposures; Biggart was a photo-journalist who died under the rubble of the Twin Towers on 9/11, this website consists of the pictures that were on his cameras when they uncovered him. Pretty amazing really, something else that I'm sharing with you that I'm sure you'll want to share.

Anyway I'm off to Kas, don't miss me too hard.

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