Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Who needs a Kwick-E-Mart?

As I'm sure you're all aware the Simpsons movie comes out in theatres this July 27 and as a promotional kick the movie company is converting some 7/11's into real Kwick-E-Marts, complete with Squishees, KrustyO's and Buzz Cola. Too bad the one in Shelbyville likely won't be one of the ones to change.

I will go see the Simpsons movie when it comes to town, but I'm not eagerly awaiting it . . . I haven't been a regular Simpsons viewer in a number of years and I have the feeling that much like the X-Files the theatrical movie will be the series death knell . . . but I could be wrong. Personally I'd rather see Futurama on the air again, but that's just me.

To shift gears from the animated to the geekified, check out this Darth Vader hot air balloon. The dork is definitely strong in this one.

And now I will leave you with the Jacksonville, Florida mullet contest winner nine year old Dakota Russ. Jeez . . . nine years old, so many questions . . . where are the parents? Doesn't a mullet like that count as child abuse? How awesome is his Dad's mullet? How many tassles are on his Mum's jacket? Hard to believe but the award was handed out at a monster truck rally.

That reminds of a favourite website from days past, Mullets Galore.

Fear the mullet.

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