Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Monday, June 02, 2008

Touch the pretty, pet the kitty

Sounds dirty don't it? But it's not . . . well not really it's just one of Kiko's lyrics from the latest Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show episode. If you liked that one there are ten other episodes for you to watch (if you don't want to watch thru the official website I think all the other episodes are on the YouTubes), and if you didn't like it, first off what's wrong with you and secondly you probably won't like the other ten.
I've already sent this link for two alternate endings to the series (or was it season?) finale of Lost to a few of my friends who watch. I still haven't watched the videos at this link so I have no idea if it's legit or not, and I've still never seen an episode of the show (so I assume it's a remake of Lost in Space, but this time they're in Hawaii and everyone gets DUI's) so why start with alternate endings? And I'm sure I'll start watching some day when Bravo or A&E are re-running the shit out of it like it's Law & Order or something, but I don't think it's something that you can step into at the end of the 3rd season, or at least that's what people are telling me.
And for the few of my geek brethren that I didn't already email this to, check out this link for a 1940's era picture of the Minutemen from the upcoming Watchmen film, scheduled for a March 2009 release. I don't know about you but I'm eagerly awaiting the release of this film and have high hopes for based on how good Alan Moore's source material was and the few promo pictures and articles I've seen online.
Let's hope I'm not disappointed with the transfer from pulp to celluloid like I was with the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Trust me the graphic novel is much better than the film. Read it, you'll like it. Well you will if you like the same kind of stuff that I do, and since you keep coming back here, I can only assume that's true.
But that's enough geekery for now, don't you think? Especially when it's all stuff that I've emailed to people already . . . okay so I'm also cyber lazy . . . cut, paste, publish . . . . but here's a rather interesting photo of a Nevada above ground atom bomb test lighting up the sky in Los Angeles. You can find eight other photos, courtesy of the LA Public Library, here along with descriptions of the photos. All glory to the power of the atom.
Since we're in the depths of BBQ season, I'd like to give you this link and ask the question, why has it taken so long to come up with an idea so damned obvious?
Well because I know we're all fans of 80's pop hits and breasts, here's a video for 99 Words for Boobs, which I don't think I have to tell you is a parody of 99 Luftballons . . . and in case you don't sprechen ze Duetsch here it is in English compwete wif Elmwer Fwudd style lisp.
Hey how's this for some sweet, sweet irony? According to this article after all their fighting and prosecuting and trying to stop music piracy, seems that Sony BMG record label has been accused of using pirated software by French company PointDev.
And in case there are any of you out there who are having difficulty ending things with your not-so-special anymore lady, check out this video that breaks down how to break up with your girlfriend in 64 easy steps. Apparently there are 5.33333333 . . . . times the steps to ending a relationship with a person than with booze. Whodda thunk it.
And today I'll leave you with photographic proof that the end is near. Repent sinners, the reckoning is close at hand.
Remember, everyone's a Captain Kirk?

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