Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Still here

This is going to be short, I'm running well behind this morning, but that's how it goes, eh? No matter there's bound to be something here to amuse you.
So the other day we had me beating up kids and posting photoshops of people making fun of kids artistic ability and lack of knowledge of things historical, but today we'll step it up a notch or two and share with you these professional (or at least good) artist's interpretations of kids' drawings. Some of them are pretty cool.
And maybe you want to encourage your sprog to read, well check out this sweet set of Little Golden Books that never made it. There are some good ones in there for sure, I know I'd flip through a few of them myself. But that's coming from the guy who has copies of Everyone Poops and the Big Book of Farts. Someday I think I need to get a copy of All About Scabs and you know this one looks like something I'd enjoy as well, after all it is a book about two of my favourite things. But maybe such a scientific look would spoil it for me?
Huh looks like they're still churning out the Little Golden Books . . . a little Poky Little Puppy anyone?
While we're talking about kids' books, why not kids' names? Seems that this article, headlined "More parents using txt language to make their child's name gr8" is further proof that reproduction needs to be licensed and/or the the ability to procreate is inversely proportional to your child rearing skills.
Oh and one last thing, Motorhead has a new album out, get it.

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