In case you aren't already aware the National Canadian Do Not Call List went online the other day, so if you'd like to register your phone numbers on there to keep most telemarketing calls from getting (some are exempt from the list like political parties, companies you've done business with in the last so much time, shit like that) go and sign on. That is of course if you believe that telemarketers will actually give a shit about this law and that when they do break it that someone will actually enforce it.
Here's to hoping though.
How about a little history? Did you know that on this day in 1871 Mormon prophet Brigham Young is arrested for cohabitating with a 16-year-old girl. Even 100 years ago jailbait was hard to resist.
That's enough real information - now how about some sweet pics from Oktoberfest in Munich, which is apparently the German festival of girls kissing girls. How do you say Giggity in German? Guess I'm going to have to save up for a ticket for this bad boy.
Since we're talking about Germany, how about this article that talks about how herds of German women are stampeding out to get their one time oh so cool tramp stamps, or as the Germans call them Arschgeweih, literally “ass antlers”, because they aren't cool any more . . . and even more likely because everyone thinks you're a whore and/or stripper if you've got one.
I'm not saying that I necessarily do, I'm just saying that most people do . . . me I just figure you're big on trends. But next time instead of getting a piece of body that's going to be cool for a couple years and then not, go out and buy a crazy new hat or those sweet sunglasses that all the kids are wearing these days, yeah you know the ones, the ones that make you look like a total d-bag just for wearing them.
At least when they're not cool anymore you can bin them and the only proof that you ever had a set would be a couple photos and fuzzy remembrances to be dusted off for an embarrassing slide show at your wedding and/or retirement.
Well we're running out of time, so in honour of cold and flu season I'll leave you with this article that talks about a new cure for congestion . . . so go bust a nut for your health. If you don't have someone there to help you out, go have a wank for your health. Man what can't it do, keep you young, clear your sinuses, make you go blind and crazy and put hair on your palms. Sooo-oh sweet.
I gotta go I think I feel cold coming on.
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