Where Do Bad Folks Go When They Die?
Well I can't believe it; I had completely forgotten that last Thursday (April 5th) was the 13th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's suicide by shotgun until I had heard it on the radio later that day (Cobain was found by an Electrician on April 8, 2004) and I had also forgotten that it was the 5th anniversary of Layne Staley's overdose by heroin.
I guess I'll have to hang up Doc Martens and leave the plaid behind now, eh? That's all right, I was going to buy some Blundstones instead anyway.
Since yesterday was Easter (the 1974th anniversary (I think??) of Jesus' rising from his tomb . . . according to the Christians anyway) here's an article about an ad I came across that is all about how no one knows the true meaning of Easter anymore . . . not even the person who wrote the ad in question. Looks like we all the preachings of Charlie Brown to come and teach what Easter is all about.
And did you know that the English name, "Easter", and the German, "Ostern", derive from Eostre the name of Germanic Goddess of the Dawn? I didn't until I skimmed that Wiki article on Easter. More Church yoinking Pagan bits and pieces to make the transition from Pagan to Christian a little less painful . . . although you'd think the offer of not being burnt at stake would be enough, wouldn't you?
And now for something that will please the 'Tobans, and no I don't mean this link to the video of the guy using one of the potted trees at Square One in Winnipeg for a toilet that I referenced earlier, but it seems that Manitoba is one step closer to having a February stat holiday like Alberta or the Skatch. I'm all for getting more paid days off, but I don't know if this one will rub off on Ontario or not. But I bet if one of the Parties were to put this as a part of their campaign platform in the next election they'd do really well . . . . and if they ran with that and said they were going to lower gasoline and liquor prices they'd be voted in by a huge land slide.
And for something that will no doubt make the 'Tobans not so happy, looks like Selkirk is flooding, or it was on last Thursday anyway . . . . there has to be a lesson learned here somewhere, if only I could figure it out.
And now I will leave with some pictures of Britney that prove to the world that I'm not the only one who should eat with their shirt off.
Until next time, you stay classy San Diego.
Waiting for the plane
What I was really trying to do was take a photo of the people behind her.
But she started the squirm and to make a small scene.
Now we sit and make up li...
10 years ago
YAY to holidays, BOO to Britney... blech.
Testify sister . . . although I do get First Nations' Day as a paid holiday in June, so I shouldn't complain about not having one in Feb . . . but I will anyway
As for Britney, she's a white trash millionaire skidding off the rails at break neck speed . . . if nothing else it's fun to watch
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