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Friday, November 28, 2008

Maybe this says something about me?

I don't know about you, but when I read this article I thought, I would have headlined it "Doctors Unlock Secrets of Child's Brain". What do you think? Should I apply for a job with Maclean's? Or just stick to this for the time being?
Hey I never said I wasn't a bad person. But at least the Doctors from that article didn't have to resort to using any of the 25 Awesome Ways to Break Bad News as featured in this sweet Photoshop contest over at Cracked.
From bad news to films, check out the AFI's Top 100 Films summarized in Five Words Each. It's a pretty cool list and idea and seems well executed, although I haven't seen all the films in question.
Now that you have enough witty things to say about films to really impression your film snob friends, how about taking a look over at Entertainment Weekly's collection of the 25 Most Controversial Movies Ever. It seems my friends that the standards for controversy are being lowered all the time - but I must say there are some good films on the list. My aren't I controversial?
From controversial to craptacular, check out the Ten Worst Films of the Past Ten Years as compiled by Rotten Tomatoes. And I have to admit there's a couple of films on there that I saw and enjoyed.
Why not take a peek at another worst films list, this one from the Sun-Sentinel. Right off the hop I have to disagree with their Number 1 pick, it should not be on this list. Nor should #3, I mean it's not great but it's a classic . . . and it's people! It's made from people.
I'm also finding it hard to believe that #18 made the list as well . . . or maybe I've just got really shitty taste in film? Yeah you know what? I'm thinking that whomever built that list just didn't know what they were talking about because I'm positive that for each film on that list I can pick a worse one to replace it with. But I guess taste is subjective and varies from person to person don't it.
Well I think that's her, I'll leave you today with this question - does it not get any hotter or creepier than this?
Pale? Check
Ink? Check
Itsy bitsy teeny weeny bikini? Check
Hot hula hoop gyrations? Check
Storm Trooper Helmet? Giggity

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