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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Penny for the Guy?

Happy Bonfire Night to those of you who celebrate it. It's not celebrated much in Canada as far as I know but I think in Newfoundland it still is, although I don't know if they actually burn effigies of The Guy (I remember seeing something on the National Geographic Channel about how originally it wasn't Guy Fawkes who was burned but the Pope and there's at least one town in the UK that still does that) to commemorate the Gunpowder Plot, or just sit around bonfires and get liquored..

Speaking of anyone doing that around here? I don't know about you but a few Wednesday night drinks around a bonfire shooting off fireworks sounds like a good idea to me.
If you aren't interested in mid-week boozing and fireworks, maybe you'd rather make me some supper? I know it's only been a few weeks but I've got a hankering for some curry. Anyone want to make me some butter chicken or butter lamb? And how about some naan bread to go with it? How's about it?
That's what I thought, when should I stop by?
I saw something yesterday reminding me that there were only 52 shopping days left until Giftmas. Is it really that close? I think it seems earlier than what it is because we don't have snow on the ground here yet, hell I'm still riding my motorbike. It's supposed to rain today according to the Weather Channel, but I might take it anyway. Can't be too many more bike friendly days left, eh?
Are the malls playing Chrimbo music yet? I hope not . . . but I'm sure it's starting to get busy. I don't know how anyone can enjoy shopping for gifts in December, let alone on Christmas Eve.
Oh well you can't stop it, and I do like the time off work, so yah Giftmas!
But onto bigger, better and brighter things, how's about a look at a piece of early concept art for the Joker from the film the Dark Knight. Pretty cool eh? If you liked that then here's another piece of nerd porn for you, Dave Gibbons' early sketches for the look of the Watchmen in the comic.
Hey you've getting a little too big for your britches lately, so I figure you need some quality taking down, so here are some nice fresh demotivational posters for you. They've all been compiled from over here, but this one is a favourite of mine . . . think that says something deep and dark about the twisted inner workings of my coal black heart?
It probably does, but that's why you come by here innit?
Sometime in the recent past I made mention of the Friday the 13th remake coming out in February 2009, well here for your viewing pleasure is a look at the new Jason Vorhees, or there would be if you're in the USA. Jerks.
For some reason now I've got this song stuck in my head . . . oh well I think it's for me for now, until next time.
PS - Congratulations to Barack Obama on his winning the US Presidency last night. Looks like I was wrong, maybe America is ready for a black man as President.

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