Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Friday, December 19, 2008

I'll tell you who I am . . .

. . . I'm a Repo Man.
Here's some good news for the punkers/fans of cult films; according to this article a Repo Man sequel is going to start filming next month. Could this be another classic destroyed before our very eyes? Only time will tell.
Speaking of classics, remember the Macho Man Randy Savage? Of course you do, or perhaps I should have said "ooooooooooooooooooooh yeah!". Ever wonder what he's up to these days? Well I can't answer that question, but I can say that here's a current pic of Savage, or at least it's supposed to be him. For all I know it could be an old washed country music star.
I think that after seeing these pics, Sweden might a great place to go out on the town in and watch beautiful women from across the bar and not talk to them. Maybe I can go there after I have my fill of beer, brats and girls kissing girls at Oktoberfest.
Although after reading this article about nine British women who were charged with prostitution after being arrested for taking part in an oral sex competition (I guess they were charging admission?), I just may have to hit up the Greek holiday island of Zakynthos.
But I'm thinking that maybe Greece isn't the place to be after seeing these pictures of the riots that broke out there as a result of police shooting a teen. There's some quality, albeit shocking, photography in there and once again I have a new appreciation for the safety and even keelness of living where I do, even if it is -33 Celsius outside right now . . . but what would you do if you went outside in December and the snot in your nose didn't freeze with your first inhalation of breath?
And today I'll leave you with a new twist on a holiday classic, The ASBO Before Christmas, brought to you by the man who wrote the book The ASBO Fairy Tales.

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