Where People Thought

What I'm Watching

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Who Watches the Watchmen?

At long last there is a trailer online for the film adaptation of Alan Moore's graphic novel Watchmen and it's flat out awesome. The trailer looks great, some of the scenes from trailer look exactly like pages from the book and the costumes I've seen pictures of or in the trailer look pretty accurate too.
Like this photo from the film that could be the book come to life. Needless to say, I've got high hopes for this film and can't wait to see it, but sadly I have to as it's not released until next March. In the mean time I can keep rewatching the trailer, checking out the movie site and looking at its IMDB page.
In case the trailer and site aren't enough to get you excited for this movie, maybe checking out this movie set preview from the folks over at CHUD will. And if that doesn't check your pulse 'cause brother you're probably the walking dead.
In case you aren't familiar with Alan Moore his graphic novels V for Vendetta and From Hell also were made into films that you may have seen . . . and if you not you should. Shit give the books a read too, they're full of pictures so it won't hurt your brain muscle too much.
Speaking of comic movies, how about that Dark Knight eh? I haven't seen it yet, but it's set a new opening weekend box office record. Hooray for Batman. Batman Begins was a great film, a proper return to the darker Batman and so far I haven't heard anything bad about the sequel. I guess this says to Hollywood, no matter how much people download movies or buy pirated ones at the dodgy mall with all the kids playing DDR they still go out to see a movie in the theatres if you make a good one. I wonder if that lesson will be learned? Probably not.
While we're talking Batman, how about this brief, emphasis on brief, slideshow history of the Joker. I have to say I learned something from it.
That's enough geekery for today, eh? How about an important public health notice. Check out this article that talks about a study that says that DIY breast exams may do more harm than good. This could be truly frightening news, and more proof that these checks should be carried out by health care professionals . . . and concerned and properly trained Bloggers.
Well I think I'll sign off with a bit of giggity for you - check out these pics of Rosario Dawson in her bikini taken in Italy. I can't pin it down but this lady is something else, well at least to look at anyway, I can't say I actually know what she's like . . . the scene in Clerks 2 where she's dancing on the roof pretty much stops me dead every time.
That's it for now.

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